For the people who just want to play.
Virtual Pinball Club
Join the Virtual Pinball Club and hang out with people from around the world that are just as passionate about pinball as you are.
We have weekly pinball tournaments, great discussions and just an amazing group of people ready to support each other.
Add Your Tables
A (not so) quick video going over how to create assets to add tables to your Pinball Emporium.
Install Emporium
Although it is easy to install Pinball Emporium, sometimes it’s nice to have someone there to walk you though the steps. So come hangout with me for 20 minutes and lets get everything installed for you.
Quick Start
Pinball Emporium tries to accommodate as many of it’s users as it can, but sometime people have special setup. In this video we go over how to setup custom resolutions as easy as possible for your own setup.
Pinball FX Backglass Calculator
Visual Pinball X DMDDevice Creator

What is Pinball Emporium?
Pinball Emporium is a simple to install standalone pinball front-end package.
It gives anyone the ability, in as little as 15 minutes to setup a full feature pinball experience. What use to take days if not weeks to figure out, is not the case anymore. We have curated hundreds of tables from unbelievably talented creators, so that once you install Pinball Emporium, it works. No more watching hours of YouTube videos, having to learn or understand code or needing to troubleshoot one table after another, Pinball Emporium just works. We have custom build hundreds of media from imagry, table videos and marquee videos, things you will not find with any other setup.
More importantly, we have a great group of support so if you do have issues, you can get help easily.
The digital pinball scene has been a walled garden for only the people that had the time, knowledge and patents to figure it out, Pinball Emporium is here to disrupt it. We want to make all forms of digital pinball available to the masses, as easily and inviting as possible.
Latest News
Release 11 has been released, with install video
Release 10 has been released, with install video
Our first video has been released of our Weekly Table Showcase. Sharing with you new tables from the community!
Release 9 (AKA v3.61) - UPDATE - Requires Release 8 (v3.6) Installed https://bit.ly/pinballemporiumR9
ADDED - Pinball Emporium version number scheme changing
FIXED - Overhaul of the Display Mode.bat
FIXED - Visual Pinball X not focusing on table after launch
FIXED - Future Pinball Marquee's BTTF & Bubble Bobble
FIXED - VPX The Who Backglass
FIXED - 1366x768 PinUp Backglass location
Release 9 - altsounds This is not a required for the update This was curated by @Duke for us to add updated and higher quality sounds to some of our tables. Simply drag this folder into the PinballEmporium root folder and you’re good to go. Try a before and after of the Elvis table.
Release 9 - Additional Tables This is not a required for the update Added 3 additional kids tables, by request; Animal Crossing, PJ Masks & Sesame Street. Also added Who Dunnit, which is a table that was recently released.
We have a website, Welcome!
Pinball Emporium V3.6 Released
You can find the link and install video above.
What People Are Saying about Pinball Emporium…
“Thank you for putting this all together. It really is surprising how so many people want to keep things so difficult to do. I want to enjoy the work these guys have put into building these tables. You would think they want them to be enjoyed. After spending hours trying to get this stuff working, I have said screw it and just stuck with my Pinball FX3 tables and had my VPin table boot directly to FX3. That was exceedingly simple to setup.”
— YouTube User: Hold My Beverage
“This is awesome !! I cannot wait till I get my income tax check to purchase a pin cab and set this up...again awesome!”
— YouTube User: Eli Justiniano
“Amazing work. Thank you very much for sharing.”
— YouTube User: Jay
“Very cool Nate! Always enjoy and appreciate the work you do…You really make this easy for newbies like myself. Thank You!!”
— YouTube User: William Ben
“Amazing work this build looks better and better every time I love emporium easy alternative for a lot people with pinball cab even with 2/3 monitors ✅🙏”
— YouTube User: Jaime Diaz
“Thanks Dude for making setting up a pinball machine easy. I don't need to continue with my degree to finish. Thank you once again.”
— YouTube User: IanCraig Lud
“Thank you guys it is amazing”
— YouTube User: adam dsss
“Righto Thanks very much for all your efforts. your the best.”
— Discord User: Dieard
“honestly ive watched your vids over and over again so i know how good they are for idiots like me. Right ill give it a go and see how i get on........many thanks”
— Discord User: clarkee1
“thank you so@much for all the help. Now that I’ve got all this working I really appreciate all the time and work you’ve spent on this awesome front end!”
— Discord User: jasonmeyers
“this is awesome man. Thanks. Your front end apps are the only ones I could get going.”
— Discord User: Thwack
“Thanks for all the hard work! Finally others will be able to enjoy pinup ....finally”
— Discord User: VPXPINBALL
“Thank you for the v3 build!…could not figure out how to get VPX to run. This build helped me get up and running in no time.”
— Discord User: gotya35
“Amazing thanks for all efforts you put into this so we all can enjoy”
— Discord User: Megatron
“Not all heroes wear capes. You are truly amazing - THANK YOU!!!”
— YouTube User: Chairman7w
“Man, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You've simplified this process and allow a guy with two kids and a full-time job the time to get this set up and hopefully get a nice vpin built, WOuld not have been able to do it without your solution.”
— YouTube User: Ur Average Gamer
“Outstanding work as always! Gorgeous~”
— YouTube User: William Ben
“Thank you so much I have spent more hours than i would ever admit, without ever being able to get pinball up and running correctly. You Hit the Nail on the Head head when you said " This is for people that just want to play pinball" Thanks Again!”
— YouTube User: Sandy Savard
“… thanks for the update, these are really helpful and easy for those that are not as savvy....”
— YouTube User: lakerone
“Thanks for continuing to support your project, greetings ...”
— YouTube User: Dasogo 76
“Hi! I just want yo say thank you. Yout work is simply amazing...”
— YouTube User: Future Arcade Gamer
“This is amazing, I’m not tech savvy at all and got it to work. Thanks for you hard work.”
— YouTube User: Joshua Ahl
“Amazing dedication to virtual pinball, great work”
— YouTube User: ST3VI3 J
“Just joined... Been fighting with install for over a year and not happy with what I have.... THANK YOU.”
— Discord User: pixmanohio
“Hey all just joined and working on getting everything set up! Thanks so much for your hard work on this build!”
— Discord User: MadHatter
“I'm in another discord group with the "old school" guys... It's incredible all the time and effort everyone in the community has put into this, but there's no way in hell I'd have a cabinet that I, my wife, and a few friends have spent at least an hour every day enjoying if it weren't for you making it palatable, thanks again, this is an amazing intro to the world of vpin”
— Discord User: elgaot5
“Finished my PE build last night and must say you did a GREAT job! The batch files made it easy enough for even a white bearded old button smasher like me. I was even able to add my childhood favorite table (Evel Knievel, (Bally) 1977) and it's all working great. Thanks for all the hard work!”
— Discord User: DiscorderlyConduct
“absolutely amazing work... so much potential. thanks for all the hard work”
— Discord User: ashsav
“I just installed your Pinball Emporium and wow! I'm more into Future Pinball. You did a great job, Thanks.”
— Discord User: Dave Jackson
“Man, I wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You've simplified this process and allow a guy with two kids and a full-time job the time to get this set up and hopefully get a nice vpin built, WOuld not have been able to do it without your solution.”
— YouTube User: Ur Average Gamer
“Thank You Sir for your super easy setup.... Being autistic my daughter this is her favorite game... Pj Mask on VPX... And Thank You for Putting a smile on her face... With your emporium set up.... Love it...”
— Discord User: SamFelic
“Amazing work !!! Thanks man for your time and attention...”
— YouTube User: Mian 21
“Amazing thank you so much for your hard work 😁😁😁😁😁”
— YouTube User: Jayeyes
Truly amazing work!!! We appreciate all your hard work on these projects. My kids will LOVE playing these. Been a great reward after they finish chores and homework they can play. ;)
— YouTube User: Jon Mulder
“This is awesome. Thanks”
— YouTube User: TheAppleWave
“Thx and cheers for the nice release . I ordered all my parts to start making my lil 27 inch Virtual pinball Table top Model .”
— YouTube User: Eddy Verlinde
Ya! Huge fan ! Love your work!!
— YouTube User: Michael Fink
“Awesome build. It would’ve save me so much time if it was out a couple months earlier…LOL I usually get mad and delete everything and start over again!””
— YouTube User: Ken Farnsworth
“Brilliant build buddy, put on our cabinet and family love it.”
— YouTube User: Scott Ferguson
“Your instructions are perfect, thank you for guiding us through the install.”
— Discord User: mulderx
“I'm in love. Just sold my last real pin today now the vpin is my only pin. Loving to get to play all these recreated tables. To pick what I want next. Thank you”
— Discord User: NeoZone
“Thanks for all the hard work..... I have been trying for a year and have done nothing but fight with the VPX, and DOF shit show of software and patches bad youtube videos and a community that seems to want to stay in the stone ages..... installers like this help so much! They allow users to get a basic (well more than basic) system up and running, and give them a chance to focus of the extras...while be able to play a game or two!”
— Discord User: Sparky
“Thanks for making easy for all of us”
— Discord User: vic1596
“Thanks for all the hard work on this! I've shown this to a few people and they all want one now.”
— Discord User: Baller
“Thank you for not only making this but supporting this. Thank all of those who helped you as well.”
— Discord User: mkfink
“thank you for your work thou dude....brought the pinball world to folk like me that don't have the patience to set up pinball x”
— Discord User: Dogman